How To Get Qualified B2B Leads Using Content Marketing

b2b marketing Aug 12, 2024
How To Get Qualified B2B Leads Using Content Marketing

As a B2B marketer, you know that much of the cookie-cutter content marketing advice online isn't very helpful. Your audience is smart, and churning out generic content can make you look out of touch. For most B2B companies, the goal is quality leads, not just quantity. Today, I'll share how we at Exposure Ninja have helped B2B companies across various sectors generate high-quality leads through effective content marketing strategies.

Understanding B2B Content Marketing

While B2B and B2C content marketing share similarities, there are unique challenges in the B2B space. The topics can seem unsexy compared to B2C, but remember, you're still selling to people who have the same need to be entertained and informed. Your goal is to educate potential customers about why your solution is the best for them.


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Educate and Inform

Content marketing for B2B isn't just about creating useful content—it's about educating your audience on why they should choose your business over competitors. For instance, we work with a B2B client that sells packaging. In this commoditized space, we emphasize their excellent customer service, high-quality products, sustainability, and customization options in every piece of content. This approach helps differentiate them from generic competitors.

Guiding the Customer Journey

Every piece of content should guide your customer towards making a purchase. Use calls to action relevant to their stage in the journey and automate some of the customer journey through email marketing. This helps nurture leads without requiring constant one-on-one communication from your sales team.

Positioning to Stand Out

In a crowded market, effective positioning can make all the difference. Identify one aspect of your product or service that stands out and consistently highlight it in your content. This might be customer service, product quality, or another unique feature. Authenticity is crucial here—choose something you can genuinely deliver on.

Teaching Your Audience

Your content should be genuinely useful, solving problems your potential customers face. Free, accessible content like blog posts and videos can build trust, while lead magnets like eBooks and webinars can capture contact information for further nurturing. For example, Slack’s "State of Work in 2023" guide attracts people who might not realize they need Slack, positioning it as a solution to their productivity challenges.

Creating Effective Lead Magnets

Lead magnets should be valuable enough to justify the exchange of contact details. High-quality, relevant content like industry reports, webinars, and detailed guides can drive significant interest. During the hybrid work transition, we created a guide for a client, boosting its visibility through paid media and email marketing, generating substantial leads and industry buzz.

Nurturing with Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for B2B, especially given the longer sales cycles. Automate sequences to keep prospects engaged and move them steadily towards a purchase. Segment your audience based on interests or behaviors to send tailored, relevant emails, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Repurposing Old Content

Not everything needs to be brand new. Refresh and repurpose valuable old content to keep it relevant and engaging. For instance, we update our SEO book annually, using it as a basis for new blog posts, videos, and podcasts, maximizing the value of our research.

Leveraging Offsite Content

Content marketing isn't just about your website. Digital PR can help you get in front of your target audience and improve your search rankings. Strike a balance between mainstream media and trade publications to reach a broad but relevant audience. Creative campaigns and original studies can attract significant media attention.

Optimizing for Search

To get the most leverage from your content, optimize it for search engines. This ensures that your content is found by people actively looking for solutions to the problems you address. Check out our B2B SEO strategies to learn more about optimizing your content for maximum visibility.

For more insights and strategies on effective B2B content marketing, consider exploring our courses at The Academy of Continuing Education.


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