How Many Marketers Use AI for Content?

ai content marketing Sep 06, 2024
How Many Marketers Use AI for Content?

AI has become an indispensable tool in the world of digital marketing, especially in content creation. A staggering number of marketers are now leveraging AI to streamline and enhance their marketing efforts, particularly for content generation.

The Growing Use of AI in Marketing

In 2024, approximately 99% of marketers are using AI in some form, with 91% using it daily to improve various aspects of their jobs. These statistics highlight the dominance of AI, not only in content creation but also in optimizing marketing strategies and improving analytics​( 


AI in Content Creation

A recent report showed that 85% of marketers believe that generative AI has significantly changed how they create content​( 

  Additionally, 63% of marketers anticipate that most content in 2024 will be created, at least partially, with the help of AI.

AI tools are particularly popular for tasks such as:

  • Content ideation (71%): AI helps marketers brainstorm ideas quickly, suggesting angles and topics that may not have been considered.
  • Content development (68%): AI assists in creating drafts and frameworks, enabling marketers to scale their output ​(Siege Media).

Benefits of AI in Content Creation

AI-powered tools have been shown to significantly enhance content creation processes. For instance, 82% of marketers who use AI report that it allows them to create more content efficiently, while 85% say it improves the quality of their work​. Additionally, 56% of marketers say that content generated by AI performs as well or better than content created solely by humans​.

Channels and Types of Content AI is Used For

AI tools are particularly useful for various content types, including:

  • Social media posts

  • Emails

  • Blog posts

  • Product descriptions

Furthermore, AI tools are often used to repurpose content, enabling marketers to take existing pieces and adapt them for different platforms or audiences​. 

New call-to-action

AI’s Role in Automation and Optimization

Beyond just generating content, 57% of marketers view AI as a tool for optimization, helping them refine content and processes, while 53% rely on it for automation tasks​. These uses demonstrate that AI is helping to free marketers from repetitive, time-consuming tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Challenges with AI Adoption

While AI is widely used, it also presents some challenges. Nearly 50% of marketers find AI tools intimidating, and 54% believe that AI has heightened expectations from managers and stakeholders​. Additionally, many marketers feel they lack the necessary training to maximize AI's potential, with less than half having received formal AI training​. 

99% is... Everyone

AI has become a vital component of modern marketing, especially for content generation. With 99% of marketers using AI in some capacity and 91% relying on it daily, it’s clear that AI is transforming how content is created, optimized, and deployed across various platforms. Despite the benefits, challenges such as skill gaps and heightened expectations remain, signaling the need for continued education and training in AI-powered tools.


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