AI Content at Scale With Cassidy AI

ai content content training Sep 13, 2024
Streamlining Success with Cassidy AI

To stay competitive, marketers are increasingly turning to automation tools like Cassidy AI and a combination of other resources to create, optimize, and update content seamlessly. This article outlines a comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for automated content marketing, integrating advanced tools to ensure content success from ideation to publication and ongoing optimization.

1. Initial Setup and Content Refresh

Objective: Identify and refresh existing content that can be optimized for better search rankings.

Tools Used: Cassidy AI, Google Search Console, Web Scraping Tools.


  • Identify Relevant Content: Use Google Search Console data to find underperforming or outdated content that could benefit from optimization. This includes content that ranks poorly or is outdated compared to competitors.

  • Content Refresh Workflow:

    • Input URLs of existing content into Cassidy AI.
    • Cassidy AI scrapes and analyzes the top 100 search results for relevant keywords, comparing your content against these top-ranking pages to identify gaps and opportunities.
  • Content Update: Using insights from AI analysis, refresh your content by improving weak areas, adding new information, and adjusting the tone and style to meet Google's latest guidelines for helpful content.

Outcome: Enhanced content that is aligned with search intent and optimized for improved rankings.

New call-to-action

2. Content Strategy Brief Creation

Objective: Create a detailed strategy brief for new content development.

Tools Used: Cassidy AI.


  • Keyword Analysis: Input target keywords into Cassidy AI to analyze search intent and micro-intents behind each keyword, ensuring the content addresses user needs effectively.

  • Audience Persona Development: Build an ideal audience persona using AI insights and Google’s helpful content guidelines. This ensures your content speaks directly to your target demographic.

  • Competitor Analysis: AI reviews top-ranking competitor pages, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and provides recommendations for how your content can outperform theirs.

Outcome: A clear, AI-backed content strategy brief that outlines audience personas, keyword focus, and competitive insights.

3. Content Development Brief

Objective: Generate detailed instructions for content creation.

Tools Used: Cassidy AI, Customized Assistants.


  • Content Blueprint: Cassidy AI generates a comprehensive content brief, detailing the title, tone, style, key topics, and personalization strategies.

  • Content Creation: With the AI’s assistance, the content is crafted according to the brief, ensuring consistency in tone and length while maintaining SEO best practices.

Outcome: A well-defined brief that empowers content creators or AI to generate high-quality, targeted content efficiently.

4. Content Review and Refinement

Objective: Review and refine AI-generated content for accuracy, relevance, and alignment with brand voice.

Tools Used: Human Reviewers, Cassidy AI, Perplexity API.


  • Initial Review: A human reviewer checks the content for factual accuracy, tone, and relevance. They ensure there are no AI hallucinations (inaccurate information) and that the content aligns with brand messaging.

  • Content Enhancement: Add personal insights, anecdotes, or specific data points that enhance the article. Remove sections that may not fit the target audience or brand voice.

  • Final Edits: The content undergoes a final review by a subject matter expert (SME) for technical accuracy before publication.

Outcome: Polished, accurate content that meets high editorial standards and resonates with the target audience.

5. Publication and Optimization

Objective: Publish content and ensure it is optimized for search engines.

Tools Used: Cassidy AI, SEO Tools (e.g., Google Search Console).


  • Meta Optimization: Cassidy AI generates optimized meta descriptions, calls-to-action (CTAs), and FAQs that align with the target keywords and search intent.

  • Snippet Optimization: AI recommends integrating content snippets to increase chances of appearing in Google’s featured snippets.

  • SEO Analysis: After publication, monitor the content’s performance, tracking keyword rankings, click-through rates (CTR), and other key SEO metrics.

Outcome: Content that is not only published but fully optimized to drive organic traffic and improve search rankings.

6. Ongoing Monitoring and Content Updates

Objective: Continuously improve content performance based on SEO metrics and search engine algorithm updates.

Tools Used: Google Search Console, Cassidy AI.


  • Performance Tracking: Regularly check the performance of the content, including rankings, CTR, and lead generation metrics like MQLs.

  • Periodic Updates: Refresh the content periodically, adding new data and aligning it with the latest search engine algorithms to maintain high rankings.

Outcome: Evergreen content that remains competitive in search rankings, continuously optimized for performance.

7. Custom Workflow Management

Objective: Customize and manage workflows for different content types and platforms.

Tools Used: Cassidy AI, Third-Party APIs (e.g., Perplexity API).


  • Workflow Customization: Adjust workflows in Cassidy AI to suit specific content formats, such as long-form articles, short-form blog posts, or video scripts. Tailor workflows based on platform-specific needs, such as YouTube or TikTok.

  • Workflow Execution: Assign custom workflows to team members and track their progress. Use AI to monitor output quality and make adjustments as needed.

Outcome: Efficiently managed content creation workflows that are adaptable to different formats and platforms.

8. Team Training and SOP Maintenance

Objective: Ensure team members are fully trained and SOPs are kept up to date.

Tools Used: Internal Training Resources, Cassidy AI Documentation.


  • Training: Conduct regular training sessions for team members on how to effectively use Cassidy AI and follow the content creation SOP. Ensure that they understand customization options and can adjust workflows for different content formats.

  • SOP Updates: Regularly review and update the SOP based on new insights from Cassidy AI or changes in content strategy. Maintain documentation for easy access and reference.

Outcome: A well-trained team that is proficient in using Cassidy AI and a living SOP that evolves with changes in the digital landscape.

Empowering Automated Content Marketing

This SOP illustrates how Cassidy AI and other tools can revolutionize content marketing by automating critical steps from content ideation and strategy to creation, publication, and optimization. By streamlining workflows, leveraging AI for smarter decision-making, and consistently monitoring performance, marketing teams can achieve higher efficiency, better search rankings, and ultimately, more impactful results.

Ready to take your content marketing strategy to the next level? The Academy of Continuing Education offers hands-on courses that help marketers integrate AI-powered tools like Cassidy AI into their workflows, enabling them to scale content creation and drive results. Sign up today and future-proof your marketing career!


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